Loli of the week 4: Itou Chika

Chika is my favorite boyish girl loli character!!!

And Chika in swimsuit is very hot nya!!!! (That as start picture were a mess…)

She’s especially moe when she gets annoyed from Miu!

I wonder what she’s listening right now….

I guess a song like that:

That do I call a chance!

What a cuddly winter outfit. I want to take her home!!!

Chika in swimsuit again!

Which is your favorite Chika? I like the one without any special things in her hair the best!

I want Yuri with her and Miu!

Kiss her, I don’t care who starts, but kiss each other!

Great, awesome, endless moe!!!!!!!!!!

Funny that there wasn’t any tag for Yuri. Tee Hee, simpletons~

Well yeah, that was it for now with Chika.

Neko Syounen Satiro-nyan~

4 Gedanken zu „Loli of the week 4: Itou Chika

  1. I haven’t seen that series so I don’t know anything about the character. ^^;

    About the picture, I like #4 the most. :)

  2. Okay, I’ve been watching this for a few weeks now and seriously, do you even KNOW anything about the english language?

    boyish girl“

    That’d be a tomboy.

    That as start picture were a mess…

    You mean, „would create a mess/chaos“

    annoyed from Miu!

    Annoyed BY Miu …

    I wonder what she’s listening right now….

    Seriously, did you have ANY English in school? That’s supposed to be „listening to“

    That do I call a chance!

    lol that’s SO wrong, I don’t even know where to begin.

    Chika in swimsuit again!

    There’s an „a“ missing … can you guess where?

    without any special things in her hair


    I want Yuri with her and Miu!

    Either you’re a girl OR you want some Yuri action BETWEEN them. I think you just made a grammar mistake because girls usually aren’t that stupid.

  3. ??????????????????

  4. Chika ist süß, aber Miu ist noch süßer! *hihi* Obwohl ich Nobue auch sehr gerne mag, auch wenn die nicht mehr ganz so „niedlich“ ist!
    Aber lieben Dank für die süßen Bilder darunter! o^^o

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